If Your Loved One is Sexually Assaulted-Be the Encourager
If your loved one is sexually assaulted, you might now know what to do. For example, your girlfriend may be raped, or your boyfriend opens up and tells you that he was molested as a child. A friend may tell you in hushed tones that she was sexually assaulted by a friend or someone she was dating. I get asked often what do to if your loved one is sexually assaulted, and one important thing to do is to remember your role with them. One of your roles is to encourage them- Be an Encourager. Healing from trauma is hard work. It’s exhausting and taxing. As a supporter, you can help by encouraging the survivor to continue doing their work of healing while validating how difficult the process is. Sometimes we all need a word of encouragement to continue down an uncomfortable path. Make time to encourage the survivor in your life, letting them know they can do it and that you have faith in them. Here are some things you can say to encourage your loved one if they are sexually assaulted: I can see how hard this is, and I’m proud of you I bet it was really hard to go to therapy today Thank you for telling me how I can help you in this moment You’re doing a good job taking care of yourself-you must be exhuasted I see all your hard work to heal, I see your progress even if you can’t right now