couples Counseling

Are resentments getting in the middle of your connection?

Relationship researcher and theorist, Dr. John Gottman, predicted which couples would end in divorce with 94% accuracy. He did this by recognizing that the following are the leading cause of a relationship ending: criticism, defensiveness, stonewalling, and contempt.

Are you arguing about the same thing over and over?

Does it seem as though you and your partner are listening, but not actually hearing, one another?

Does effective communication seem impossible?

Does meaning get lost in defensiveness? Does it feel inevitable that discussions will lead to anger and conflict?

Do you wonder if there is too much baggage for your relationship to work?

Are issues from the past leading to pointless arguments? Do you wonder if it is even worth staying in the relationship?

There are many different scenarios that could benefit from couples counseling

• Premarital counseling
• Desire to improve communication
• Trying to recover after infidelity
• Learning how to coparent.
• Getting help in deciding if the relationship should go on
• Navigating a peaceful separation or divorce

Prioritize Your Relationship Today

“The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn’t being said.”
– Peter Drucker