Reflections and Intentions for the New Year
Amelia Elkins, LCSW, CAS Sick of all the pressure of new year, new me? Focusing on reflections from the past year and intentions for the next twelve months may be a more helpful option. I recommend starting a journal to get these prompts going and to look back for accountability as you head into 2023. Reviewing and checking your journal each year can be a great way to recognize growth, challenges, and set the stage for next year’s intentions. Utilize these prompts below to explore both: Reflections from the Previous Year: >What about this past year am I proud of? >What are the top three highlights from this year? >What is one challenge I overcame this past year? >What characteristics helped me overcome this challenge? >How did I change this past year? Intentions for 2023: >If 2023 were to go really well for me, what would this look like? >What do I want my 2023 mantra to be? Examples may include: “I create my own path and am joyful” “My positive thoughts take me to new heights” “I am conquering my fears and become stronger each day” >What am I giving up in 2023? (Toxic friendships, an unhealthy relationship with food, etc.) >What am I inviting into 2023? (Success, contentment, healthy relationships, etc.) Reflection and intention are so important for a healthy relationship with oneself. If this feels daunting to explore alone then turning toward this work with a therapist may be helpful. Reach out today to get started!