Denver Counseling Therapy

Why Being in Nature is Good for your Brain

Everyone knows Denver loves the outdoors. For many, being outside in nature is calming, therapeutic, and acts as a ‘reset’ button after a stressful week. Recent studies suggest that being in nature is good for your brain. A Psychology Professor-and avid backpacker-at the University of Utah named David Strayer took 50 students on a 3-day Outward Bound camping trip and found they performed 50 percent better on cognitive tests than they did before they took the trip.

So what might be happening? Strayer believes that being in nature allows important parts of the brain (notably the Prefrontal Cortex) to have the kind of rest they don’t normally get in our modern lives. The Prefrontal Cortex is the “command center” of the brain and it’s constantly evaluating and choosing actions, solving problems, and making decisions.  If this sounds tiring, it’s because it is. The brain can get fatigued, and there’s something special about being in nature that gives it a chance to rest and rejuvenate.

Another interesting study from researchers in England found that city dwellers who lived near open space (parks and open lands) reported less mental stress, even after adjusting for income, education level and physical health. A second study from the Netherlands found that people who lived within half a mile of green space had lower rates of 15 different diseases, including depression and anxiety.

So getting out into nature actually does boost happiness. There’s a cultural knowledge about this. In Japan there is a term-shirin-yoku-that translates to Forest Bathing, which is an ancient practice of being near trees to boost health and wellness.

We are lucky that living in Denver we are close to some of the most amazing nature in the country. If you need to find an amazing hiking spot, check out this list of 20 amazing day hikes near Denver. Get out and get some rejuvenation for your brain!


all about wilderness therapy