Denver therapist counselor

Using a Professional Counselor to Help With the Emotional Aspects of Divorce

Guest Post: This is a guest post from the wonderful professionals at Divorce Matters in Denver, CO. They can help guide you through a pain-free divorce.

If you are getting divorced in Denver, CO you are far from alone. According to data provided by the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), approximately 30 percent of American marriages end in divorce within the first ten years. Only 55 percent of U.S. couples make it to the 20th year of marriage. Dealing with a divorce can be incredibly challenging. In most cases, there are many complex logistical issues that need to be handled by all parties.

With so much going, most people find it difficult to put much of their attention on their own emotional needs. This is why working with a qualified professional counselor can be extremely beneficial. A counselor can help provide a truly supportive and non-judgmental environment. In this type of environment, you will be able to better understand yourself, so that you can properly grieve and begin moving forward to a new stage in your life.

Coping With the Emotional Effects of Divorce

Many people underestimate the immense psychological impact of divorce. There is strong evidence that going through a divorce can adversely affect a person’s mental health. Of course, this does not have to be an inevitable result. It is important that you are able to anticipate the potential emotional effects of divorce so that you will be ready to deal with the challenges. Divorce is associated with:

  • Feelings of anger;
  • Feelings of resentment;
  • Feelings of sadness or guilt;
  • Feelings of abandonment;
  • Loss of purpose;
  • Loss of direction;
  • Intense anxiety;
  • Shame; and
  • Overall emotional trauma.

You may not be feeling all of those effects. In fact, you may not even totally understand what you feel. With divorce, it is common to be confused, conflicted, and disillusioned. One of the primary benefits of working with a high-quality professional counselor is that your counselor will be able to help you work towards finding clarity.

Allowing the Grieving Process to Occur

With a traumatic event like a divorce, the grieving process can be difficult. It can only occur once you are able to carefully confront your own feelings. Every person goes through the grieving process in a different way. Not only will the amount of time that it takes to grieve be different, but the form of the grieving process will also vary by person. It is important to work with a professional counselor who can help you work towards health and wholeness in a manner that is best tailored to your specific needs. 

Moving Forward With Your Life

Your counselor can help you move forward with your life. Ultimately, the goal is to get you feeling better. While getting started, especially if you are unfamiliar with therapy, can be difficult, it does not have to be that way. Your professional counselor can work at a pace and in style that is best suited for you. This way, you can move towards acceptance and regain a sense of power and control over your own life.