Struggling with Adult ADHD? Life Doesn’t Have to Feel So Hectic

By: Catherine Sangi, LPC

Are you an adult struggling with ADHD? Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder can present differently for adults than children, thus our ways of managing symptoms might also be different. Here are 3 common struggles of adults with ADHD, and some useful skills to help manage each struggle. 

1. Disorganization 

  • Keep a consistent routine
  • Utilize a planner
  • Create lists
  • Have visual reminders

2. Impulsivity

  • Recognize situations you are more likely to act impulsively in
  • Take deep breaths 
  • Practice stop-think-act

3. Procrastination / Time Management

  • Break things into smaller tasks
  • Plan extra time to complete each task
  • Set alarms
  • Make a reward plan for yourself
  • Focus on one thing at a time

Disorganization, impulsivity, procrastination, and time management are aspects of life all humans struggle with from time to time. If you would like to receive more consistent support with these struggles, please reach out to a mental health professional.

Lastly, remember to listen to your body! If you have been go-go-go, then it might be a good idea to have a rest and relaxation day. On the other hand, if you have a pretty sedentary lifestyle, then going on a walk and moving around could be a great addition into your routine.

Want to feel connected to others in the ADHD community? Check out some of these podcasts.