How Long Does a Panic Attack Last? Denver Therapist Counselor

How Long Does a Panic Attack Last?

There are really two answers to the question of how long panic attacks really last: First, how long it feels they last, and second, how long they actually last.

To the first question the answer is simple: They like like they last forever. The intense feeling of fear and anxiety, the racing thoughts, the rapid heartbeat, all of it. It feels like it will never, ever end. But it does, and quicker than you might think.

The second question has been studied and we also did an informal survey of clients here at our Denver therapy office which confirmed it: Panic Attacks usually build for 5-8 minutes, peak at about 10 minutes, and are over in 20-30 minutes. This doesn’t mean that you feel better after 20-30 minutes, however. For the next 20 minutes or so, you will likely feel the after-effects of a panic attack which is the feeling of all that adrenaline leaving your body. You might feel weak, shaky, tired, and a bit numb. This is really normal.

The important this to remember is that panic attacks are temporary, and you won’t panic forever. It’s relatively normal to have one or two panic attacks in your lifetime. If you have them more regularly, you may actually have an anxiety disorder and could benefit from counseling and possibly medication to treat it.

For more on therapy for anxiety, go to our Anxiety Therapy page.