How To Find a Therapist near the Denver Tech Center

If you’re looking for a therapist in a large metro area like Denver, it helps to be more targeted in your search. Thrive Counseling is located just north of the Denver Tech Center, so we have a lot of clients that either live or work in the Denver Tech Center (or the DTC, as the locals call it). Sometimes we are not a good fit for someone, and they ask me how to find a different therapist in the Denver Tech Center. Here’s three ways to go about it:

1.If you want to find a therapist that takes your insurance, call your insurance company directly and ask for referrals. They have the definitive list for who is in-netowrk with you, and you can ask them to search in a specific area for you.

2.You can use a Therapist Directory like Psychology Today, and search via your Zip code. This will give you a list of therapists in your area.

3.Call Thrive Counseling or send us an email. We are near the Denver Tech Center and would love to hear from you.